Upravljanje IT operacijama
Razvoj aplikacija i DevOps
Infrastruktura i workplace
Managed usluge
Cloud rešenja
Aplikativna rešenja
Rešenja za bezbednost
Monitoring rešenja


Svetska rešenja za efikasno, bezbedno i mobilno poslovanje


How we work

Building a reliable IS (information system) is a difficult task, which requires investments, time, expertise and – above all – a clear vision, perseverance and persistence of company management, especially ICT managers. The system must be built gradually, but above all it must rest on a solid foundation, which we call IS architecture. Experience has shown us that all the key advantages of IS arise as a result of a healthy architecture, which must prove its sustainability through long duration and adaptability.

If we were to look for the “owner” of the IS architecture, it would certainly be an ICT manager, or – as we like to call him – a “new generation ICT manager”: able to clearly articulate the requirements of the company’s management, to understand all the key processes in the company and to clearly see how such requirements can be transformed into technical requirements for application services and ICT infrastructure in general. Therefore, it should be focused on the higher layers of IS, which are directly visible to management and end users.

The ICT manager must build a competent team, which consists of his immediate colleagues, but also specialists from other processes (functions), which, due to their critical importance for IS as a whole, we call “key users”.

A modern ICT manager knows that neither he nor his team is enough to build and maintain a modern IS. He must build a network of external partners who are able to, each in their domain, build a “brick” into the IS that he must create and preserve. At the same time, the most important thing is to recognize a partner who is capable of designing the architecture of the IS, to supervise its implementation and to have the competences to realize the key parts of the system. This “key partner” must be able to evolve the enterprise’s IS and incorporate modern concepts and subsystems that ensure longevity and flexibility.

The high level of employee education, as well as the acceptance of new technologies at the place and at the time of their creation, have enabled us to have behind us over 1000 reference projects in the country and abroad.

Our target market is mainly the industrial, public, government, financial sector and all those who need IT projects. The company provides superior solutions for business systems, IT training for clients, complete installation and comprehensive support.

In accordance with the defined project, created by the client or our professional team, COMING takes full responsibility for the implementation of the project, until the complete operating system is placed at the service of the end user and the necessary training is carried out.

Coming CE: access, solutions and services

Recognizing the aforementioned tendencies, COMING – Computer Engineering has been gradually developing the competencies necessary for building and harmonizing all layers of IS for many years. Today we can confirm that we are able to provide such complex services to companies in the near and far environment for a very wide range of activities in which our clients operate. In the last year or two, we have completed our own team of over 120 specialists, who have the critical mass of knowledge and experience needed to accomplish this ambitious task. The competition in our industry will have to do their best to offer services of similar scope and quality at competitive prices. In the following, we provide arguments for the stated claim – that we know what constitutes IS architecture, we provide an illustrative list of projects from all layers of IS that we have implemented for our clients, as well as some basic principles on which our relationship with clients and projects that we realize.

Contact us:

If you are interested in one of our services/solutions or have any questions, concerns or would like to send us a proposal, please feel free to contact us. We will be very happy to help you and respond as soon as possible.

Fill out the contact form below or give us a call
